With the 2024 Paris Games under way, a global survey reveals the anticipation and interest in this international sporting event. Ipsos iSay reveals the survey data.
The Global Appeal of the Games
The survey, conducted in 33 countries, shows a general increase in interest in the Paris Games compared to the 2021 Tokyo Games. While almost 6 out of 10 people globally (57%) expressed interest in the games, only about half (51%) of adults in the US are interested. The countries where residents have expressed the most interest include China (86%) interest, Thailand (77%), and Indonesia (75. Meanwhile, in the host country of France, the level of interest is moderate (44%), but this still represents a significant increase since the previous games in 2021.
Top Sports on the Global Stage
While some might not consider it a traditional Olympic sport, soccer is positioned as the most anticipated event, with over one-quarter (28%) of global survey respondents expressing interest in following the matches. Athletics (26%) follows closely behind, while gymnastics (20%) ranks third globally. In the US, however, gymnastics is the most anticipated event, with one-third of Americans (34%) interested in following the dynamic and graceful sport.
A Spirit of Unity and National Pride
Beyond the interest in sports competitions, the survey reveals that the Paris Games are perceived as a unifying event. Three-quarters of respondents globally (75%) believe that the games represent an important opportunity for global unity, while 7 in 10 Americans (70%) believe it brings our country together. In addition, over three-quarters of Americans (77%) say the games make them feel proud of the United States. This aligns with the global average of adults (78%) who say that the sporting events makes them feel proud of their own country.
Overcoming Global Challenges
Despite global worries such as the economic crisis, international conflicts, and climate concerns, 7 out of 10 people surveyed globally (72%) are still in favor of holding the Paris Games.
Gold, Silver, and Bronze
In short, the Ipsos survey reveals a positive outlook on the global perception of the 2024 Paris Games. Despite any challenges, the sporting spirit prevails, generating enthusiasm, unity, and pride throughout the world.
Source: Ipsos survey of 24,531 adults under the age of 75 in 33 countries, conducted between May 24 and June 7, 2024.